This article is part of our annual Cosmic Conference series and this year our focus is (re)Designing the Employee Experience. From Sept. 28th - Oct. 21st, 2022 we are exploring all things EX. Learn more and register to attend here.
Jonathan Yeo, Founder at the Potential Space, joined us at the 2022 #CosmicConference with an interactive session about asking yourself who you are at work, who you could be, and who you want to be.
While many organizations now strive to be places where your “whole self" or "authentic self” is welcomed, this well-meaning goal fails to take into account the real nature of our individualized identities, in that they are complex, multifaceted, situational, and ever-evolving. Drawing on his Exploring Identity workshops, and his research on the nature of identity at work, Jonathan inspired us to think differently about the many aspects of who we are, and how we express those to the world.
Watch the video from his session below.