This article was part of our annual Cosmic Conference series and this year our focus was all about (re)Designing the Employee Experience. From Sept. 28th - Oct. 21st, 2022 we explored all things EX. Check out all conference sessions and insights here.
Every time we end a Cosmic Conference of Centaur Stage live session, we ask our guests a series of rapid-fire questions, so we can learn more about them and their perspectives.
Here’s what the 2022 #CosmicConference guests think the ideal workplace is:
John Preece: A network of spaces available on demand.
Laurel Farrer: Unique to each individual.
Tony Jamous: Designed for the needs of humans.
Scott Armstrong: Psychologically safe.
Dr. Susan R. Vroman: Where you feel comfortable being yourself and able to grow.
Chase Warrington: Flexible.
Adam Booth: Comfortable, enjoyable, and educational.
Jennifer Dunsford: Internet, the beach, and the mountains.
Claudius Boller: Anywhere you want it to be.
Dr. Agustin Chevez: One that nurtures our competitive advantage.
Jonathan Yeo: One where you get to do work that you’re proud of.
Dr. Connie Hadley and: Fun.
Jose Santos: A place where you feel at home, although it’s not.
Breeze Dong: Where we all show up wholeheartedly and can fulfill our potential.
Marilyn Zakhour: Intentional.
Tala Odeh: Where employees feel safe enough to come and deliver.
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