This article was part of our annual Cosmic Conference series and this year our focus was all about (re)Designing the Employee Experience. From Sept. 28th - Oct. 21st, 2022 we explored all things EX. Check out all conference sessions and insights here.
A LinkedIn Live ritual we’re particularly committed to is rapid-fire questions. At the end of every Cosmic Conference or Centaur Stage live session, we ask the guest speaker a series of quick questions. It’s a fun way to get some insight into their perspectives.
Here’s what the 2022 #CosmicConference guests think the secret ingredient to a great employee experience is:
John Preece: Purposeful with intent.
Laurel Farrer: Empathy and communication.
Tony Jamous: Intentionality.
Scott Armstrong: Culture.
Gillian French: Caring about people.
Dr. Susan R. Vroman: Knowing oneself so that they can drive it.
Chase Warrington: Trust.
Adam Booth: Managers that always listen and always act.
Jennifer Dunsford: Leaders who stay on top of their tech, are connected with the organization, and understand its reality and problems.
Claudius Boller: Having fun.
Dr. Agustin Chevez: Alignment with the design of the organization.
Jonathan Yeo: Enabling potential in your teams.
Dr. Connie Hadley: One with a good match.
Jose Santos: Feeling that you are in a place where you can realize your productive dreams.
Breeze Dong: Following the flow and embracing the whole system.
Marilyn Zakhour: Vulnerability.
Tala Odeh: Listening to your employees.
Learn more about the employee experience, check out the conference content on , follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram, and sign up for ournewsletter.